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"The Unheared Walks"

 soundscape listening walkS in the countryside


"Listening to spaces / Spaces of listening"


urban soundscape listening walkS

Considering the art of listening as an art of space, Stéphane MARIN takes a group of 15-20 people on a walking journey of (re)-discovery of the audio environment of an area, through different kinds of listening experiences. Whether using our ears ‘naturally’, or with ‘open’ or work-site headphones, the world sounds different as soon as we listen to it consciously.



During this walk, Stéphane MARIN accompanies the listening participants and subtly suggests different ways of hearing. Whether it involves close and intimate contact with the sound-producing object, or listening to the natural resonances of a place, he weaves together, little by little, step by step, an audio web shared with the listeners. From this unique collective experience, a sonic landscape comes into being where previously we heard only noises...

By developing “enhanced” listening through superimposing an original sound creation over the natural “in situ” soundscape, there is a radical modification of the listening environment. Sounds from the headphones interact with the natural sounds and stimulate a process of rediscovery, by bringing sound into a different context. Our perceptions are sharpened by this synesthetic process. By shaking up his habitual perceptions, this activity re-locates the listener at the heart of the space he inhabits.


Mixing immediate listening to the sonic environment with listening through headphones and sound-takes (field-recording) recorded previously on-site, which have been re-configured in the studio (phonographies), this extraordinary audio experience comes together step by step.


In order to capture the sonic essence of spaces, we use traditional professional microphones (coupled stereo mikes, shotgun mikes) as well as non-conventional microphones such as binaural in-ear microphones, contact microphones or hydrophones and microphones using magnetic fields… These various listening instruments enable us to hear sounds which were previously inaudible and to literally plunge deep within them so as to experience an extraordinary sound reality.

Listening to the indigenous musicality of sounds is a means of introduction to the world of sonic ecology.


Be they natural or urban, animal or technological, inaudible or disturbing, the framework of a conscient listening refines the qualitative perception of these sounds, and helps to reappropriate them -and their emergence territory - without any kind of discrimination.


From this intimate listening to spaces, there emerges step by step, as the performance evolves, a new sonic geography, an original and sensitive rendering of these open spaces, made collectively and in situ.


From this sensible geography to the sonic cartography of the site, there is only one more step…Which is provided by our project “Auscultated Terrains” ….



Listen to Diarmuid McIntyre, HearSay International Audio Arts Festival's director and co-founder talking about "The Unheard Walks" site specific augmented soundwalk by Stéphane Marin, ITV by Nikki Martin for  KBOO (USA) .

Sensory Walks: interview by CHRISTIANA KAZAKOU 

- Interartive ( Walking Art / Walking Aesthetics)

Learning by Walking, Thinking by Experiencing. When Art meets Science. BOZAR Lab | 



20 audio players / 20 opened headphones  / 20 sound acoustic ear-muffs

The walk lasts between 45 and 60 minutes.


20 listeners maxi per walk

(3 walks of 1hour maxi / day)



"Listening to spaces / Spaces of listening" was first performed in February 2014

during the Semaine du Son event - Médiatheque de Perpignan;

then in June 2014 during Natur’art 2014, supported by the Conseil Général de la Charente Maritime

in the naturalprotected area of Ecomusée du Marais Salant de l’Ile de Ré;

in October 2014 during the Art et Territoire seminar with masters degree students at

École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Toulouse;

in January 2016 at the occasion of Semaine du Son - Centre Culturel St Pierre - Bordeaux

in July  2016 I Sulleoni Festivale -  Bastia city;

then in March 2017 - Démocratie Participative-Bastia city;

then in May 2017, for a  Seminar "Environnement, landscape, architecture" (Master) -  National Architecture Highschool - Toulouse;

"The Unheard WalkS" was created in June 2016

at the occasion of the World Environnement Day on the natural protected area of l'étang du Canet;

then in August 2016 at Pôle Nature du Marais Poitevin

in June 2016 - World Environnement Day - Canet's pond (Communauté de communes Perpignan Méditérannée);

in August 2016 - Pôle Nature du Marais Poitevin (Communauté de communes Aunis Atlantique);

in June 2017 - Opoul Périllos's pond -   Opoul 's primary school/ PMCA - Communauté de Communes Perpignan Méditerranée.









Territories projects

Territories projects





© 2012-202 I Espaces Sonores I Stéphane Marin

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